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单位:绵阳城市学院     作者:徐健,王璐     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-07-21

摘 要:在果树的病虫害化学防治中,有些果农因为缺少用药知识,影响了果树的发育,降低了果实的商品价值。文章首先对“TRIZ理论”进行了概述,然后阐述了基于TRIZ理论的果树施药车创新设计流程,最后赋予实践,设计了一款果树施药车。以期提升施药的效率及人们使用时的舒适性。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In the chemical prevention and control of diseases and insect pests of fruit trees, some fruit farmers often spray improper pesticide to fruit trees because of lack of knowledge of medicine, It affected the development of fruit trees and reduced the commercial value of fruit. This paper first summarizes "TRIZ theory", then expounds the innovative design process of fruit tree pesticide applying car based on TRIZ theory, and finally gives practice to design a fruit tree pesticide applying car. In order to improve the efficiency and comfort of application.

Key Words:TRIZ theory; Administer the car; Innovative design