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单位:北京化工大学     作者:白彤,马东明,钱皓     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-08-22

摘 要:以车辆全生命周期管理为基础,探讨当前环境下新能源汽车充电服务设计策略。以国内主流新能源汽车企业作为研究对象,通过实车试驾、问卷调查等方法完善以车辆全生命周期为流程框架的用车旅程地图。从地图中挖掘充电相关痛点并结合痛点进行设计洞察,提出设计策略。以服务蓝图的形式展现整体流程中用户体验、企业服务、产品使用等相关环节,形成一套能够整体优化并解决充电难题的服务设计创新方案,为以车辆全生命周期管理驱动新能源充电服务设计创新提供新思路。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Based on the vehicle full life cycle management, this paper discusses the charging service design strategy of new energy vehicles in the current environment. Taking domestic mainstream new energy vehicle enterprises as the research object, improve the vehicle journey map with the whole vehicle full life cycle as the process framework through real vehicle test drive, questionnaire survey and other methods. Excavate the pain points related to charging from the map, and carry out design insight and design strategy combined with the pain points. In the form of service blueprint, show the user experience, enterprise service, product use and other relevant links in the overall process, form a set of service design innovation scheme that can optimize and solve the charging problems as a whole, and provide new ideas for the design innovation of new energy charging service driven by vehicle full life cycle management.

Key Words:Vehicle Full Life Cycle Management; New Energy Vehicles; Service Design; Strategy