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单位:中原工学院     作者:丁同锐,杜虹,付晓莉     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-08-22

摘 要:处于快速发展阶段的企业常常基于现有产品线的总体风格特征,快速创造新的产品造型,扩充自身的产品线来满足不同的市场需求。文章首先基于可拓实例推理与参数化设计的概念,依托Grasshopper软件,提出基于可拓实例推理与参数化设计的产品造型特征线参数化演进流程。然后融合产品线原有的造型特征,拟合用户意向,快速形成不同草图方案,提升设计效率。最后以A公司康复类医用台车为实例进行应用,以期为医用设备的设计流程提供参考。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Enterprises in the rapid development stage often quickly create new product shapes and expand their product lines based on the overall style characteristics of their existing product lines to meet different market demands. Based on the concepts of extension case reasoning and parametric design, and relying on Grasshopper software, this paper proposes a parametric evolution process of product modeling feature line based on extension case reasoning and parametric design. Then integrate the original modeling features of the product line, fit the user's intention, and quickly form different sketch plans to improve design efficiency. Finally, take the rehabilitation medical trolley of company A as an example for application. In order to provide reference for the design process of medical equipment.

Key Words:Topable Design; Instance Inference; Modeling Features; Parametric Design