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单位:首都师范大学     作者:张昕,王佳     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-08-23

摘 要:随着宠物行业市场规模不断拓展,用户对宠物食品包装的需求也更多元化,因此文章基于情感化设计尝试探讨宠物食品包装的设计新思路。文章首先阐述情感化设计的概念,其次分析基于情感化设计的宠物食品包装设计现状,然后结合唐纳德·诺曼的三层次理论,探究基于情感化设计的宠物食品包装设计意义,最后从本能、行为、反思三个层面出发结合具体案例,提出基于情感化设计的宠物食品包装设计路径,满足用户对于宠物食品包装设计的感官、互动、情感等多方面需求。 


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:As the market scale of the pet industry continues to expand, users' demand for pet food packaging is also more diversified. Based on emotional design, this article attempts to explore new ideas for pet food packaging design. This paper explains the concept of emotional design, then the analysis was based on emotional design of pet food packaging design present situation, and combining with the three levels of Donald Norman theory, explore the pet food package design based on emotional significance, finally from instinct, behavior, to reflect on three aspects: combined with the specific case, based on emotional design of pet food packaging design path, To meet users' sensory, interactive, emotional and other needs for pet food packaging design.

Key Words:Emotional Design; Pet Food; Packaging Design