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单位:华北科技学院...     作者:胡佳斌,刘军平,刘鹏飞     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-08-23

摘 要:为了提升家庭应急物资储备的合理性,增强应对家庭突发事件的有效性。文章首先分析了家庭风险来源,对家庭进行特征分类,描述不同家庭风险点及所需的应急物资;然后,提出基于特征分类的家庭应急物资储备装置设计策略;最后,以L市为例,分析风险点、归纳家用应急物资内容,并对储备装置进行设计。以期为不同家庭提供个性化的应急储备方式,提升物资的使用方式,增强应对突发事件的能力。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In order to improve the rationality of household emergency supplies reserves and enhance the effectiveness of responding to household emergencies. First, this paper analyzes the source of household risks, classifies the characteristics of households, describes different household risk points and the emergency supplies needed. Then, The design strategy of family emergency material storage device based on feature classification is proposed. Finally, taking L city as an example, this paper analyzes its risk points, summarizes the content of household emergency supplies and designs a reserve device. The reserve device provides a personalized emergency material reserve method for different families, improves the efficiency of material use, and enhances the ability to respond to emergencies.

Key Words:Feature Classification; Household Emergency Supplies; Reserve Device; Industrial Design; Emergency Management