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单位:辽宁师范大学...     作者:徐琛,吴丹     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-08-23

摘 要:乡村老人随着身体机能的下降,心理情感需求的增强使得他们在生理与心理上更加需要当下社会的关注与保护。因此,面向乡村老人的虚拟现实景观APP应时而生。文章基于此,从乡村老人的真实需求入手,在虚拟现实技术的基础上,探究面向乡村老人的虚拟现实景观APP设计价值,并分析其设计原则;同时进行相应的设计实践,为此领域今后的研究提供一定的参考依据。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the decline of physical function, the enhancement of psychological and emotional needs of the elderly in rural areas makes them more in need of the attention and protection of the current society both physically and psychologically. Therefore, a virtual reality landscape APP for the rural elderly should come into being at the right time. Based on this, starting from the real needs of the elderly in rural areas, based on virtual reality technology, the paper explores the design value of virtual reality landscape APP to effectively help the elderly in rural areas, and analyzes its design principles. At the same time, the corresponding design practice is carried out to provide certain reference for future research in this field.

Key Words:The Elderly in Countryside; Virtual reality; Landscape; APP; design