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单位:长春工业大学...     作者:姚璐,杨晴晴,贾思寒     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-08-23

摘 要:豫西靠崖式窑洞建筑有着独特的居民住宅形式和极高的历史文化底蕴。文章主要以旅游民宿蓬勃发展下的豫西窑洞民居现状为背景,选择具有特色的靠崖式窑洞与当地居民建筑院落内部空间进行改造设计。从靠崖式窑洞视角对巩义市靠崖式窑洞院落的现状加以分析,并提出合理化的改造设计理念,希望康店镇靠崖式窑洞的更新及改造能够改善居民收入,并为豫西其他地区的靠崖式窑洞空间设计具有一定的借鉴作用。


中图分类号:TU247.4 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Cliff cave dwelling in western Henan province have unique residential forms and high historical and cultural deposits. Based on the current situation of cave dwellings in western Henan province under the booming development of tourism homestay, the paper chooses the characteristic cliff cave dwellings and the interior space of local residents' buildings for reconstruction and redesign. From the perspective of cliff type cave dwelling in Gongyi city, western Henan province, this paper analyzes the current situation of cliff type cave dwelling in Gongyi city, and puts forward reasonable renovation design concept. Finally, it hopes that the renovation and renovation of cliff type cave dwelling in Kangdian town can improve residents' income and provide reference for other areas of western Henan province.

Key Words:western Henan province; Cliff Cave Dwelling; Space Transformation; Design Research