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单位:广东生态工程...     作者:周小童,张敏,陈淑贤     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-08-23

摘 要:随着旅游业和文化产业的发展,文化创意产品应运而生,除了能够给游客与消费者带来美好回忆与纪念意义之外,更重要的是文化创意产品可以作为一种传播媒介,将当地的优秀历史文化传播到世界各个角落。文章提取吉祥观、水墨晕染、节日氛围、色彩元素、吉祥物等中国传统文化符号,并将它们应用在文化创意产品设计中,以期提升产品设计的文化内涵,为传承与发展中国传统文化提供了良好的借鉴。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the development of tourism and cultural industries, cultural and creative products have emerged. In addition to bringing good memories and commemorative significance to tourists and consumers, more importantly, cultural and creative products can be used as a communication medium to promote local The excellent history and culture spread to all corners of the world. The article extracts Chinese traditional cultural symbols such as auspicious concepts, ink smudges, festive atmosphere, color elements, mascots, etc., and applies them to promote the design of cultural and creative products. In order to enhance the cultural connotation of product design, it provides a good reference for the inheritance and development of Chinese traditional culture.

Key Words:Chinese Traditional Cultural Symbols; Cultural and Creative Product Design; Principle; Idea