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单位:北京林业大学...     作者:樊芳芳,朱立珊     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-08-23

摘 要:为应对老龄化趋势,响应国家《全民健身政策》,文章对老年公共健身设施设计进行研究。 文章从服务设计特征入手,通过使用观察法和访谈法对北京现有老年公共健身设施进行实地调研,再使用服务设计的方法和工具对调研结果进行分析,解构老年人使用设施的行为流程。文章贯彻“以用户为中心”的核心思想,探究老年人的心理特征和行为特征,寻找设计痛点,从而对老年公共健身设施设计策略进行探索,以期为老年公共健身设施设计提供一定参考。


中图分类号:TU984.12 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In order to cope with the aging trend and the national "national fitness policy", this paper studies the design of public fitness facilities for the elderly. Starting from the characteristics of service design, this study conducted a field survey of the existing public fitness facilities for the elderly in Beijing by using observation and interview methods, and then analyzed the survey results by using the methods and tools of service design to deconstruct the behavior process of the elderly using the facilities. The article carries out the core thinking of "user-centered", explores the psychological and behavioral characteristics of the elderly,To find the design pain points, so as to explore the design strategy of public fitness facilities for the elderly, to provide a design reference for the design of public fitness facilities.

Key Words:Service Design; Fitness Facilities Design; The Elderly; Demand