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单位:渤海大学     作者:王美琪,孟巍     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-08-23

摘 要:2022年政府工作报告将人口老龄化上升为国家战略,中国人口老龄化是社会发展的趋势。为了更好地提高老年人居住空间的舒适度和老人晚年的幸福感,文章分析了老年人的特征变化,利用多种环境设计方法改善老年人的居住空间,同时简要分析了智能化家居在室内改造中的应用。以期提升老年人居住空间的舒适度,从而提升老年人的幸福感。


中图分类号:TU241 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The government work report in 2022 elevated population aging to a national strategy, and population aging in China is an important trend in social development. In order to better improve the comfort of the living space of the elderly and the happiness of the elderly in their later years, the article analyzes the changes in the characteristics of the elderly, uses a variety of environmental design methods to improve the living space of the elderly, and also briefly analyzes the application of intelligent home in the interior transformation. In order to improve the comfort of the elderly living space, so as to enhance the happiness of the elderly.

Key Words:Characteristics of the elderly; living space; Design