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单位:福州大学厦门...     作者:洪歆慧,李润峰     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-09-26

摘 要:文章首先通过问卷了解高校学生浏览外卖单时的关注点,提取出外卖单上的重点区域,运用焦点小组研究法对外卖单进行设计解构,挑选符合实验要求的外卖单;然后,运用数量化理论Ⅰ类分析法对所挑选的样本进行外卖单信息识别度与外卖单各个设计要素的相关性分析。最后,根据实验的数据和分析结果,提出相应的外卖单设计策略。以期为外卖单设计提供一定参考,提高用户识别外卖单信息的效率。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper understands the concerns of college students when browsing the delivery list, extracts the key areas on the delivery list, uses the focus group research method to design the delivery list, select the delivery list; uses the quantitative theory class I analysis method to select the samples of delivery information recognition and the correlation of the design elements.Finally, according to the experimental data and analysis results, the corresponding delivery order design strategy is put forward. It is expected to provide some reference for the design of takeout order and improve the efficiency of user identification of takeout order information.

Key Words:Sensual Engineering; Class Ⅰ Analysis of Quantitative theory; Delivery Order; Identification