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单位:华南农业大学...     作者:赵沃林     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-09-26

摘 要:文章首先阐述了文化生态学的文化系统理论,总结出日常生活系统,并分析文化创意产品的设计现状,提出文化创意产品日常化设计的意义。然后结合文化创意产品的功能,得到注重实用功能、运用认知功能、表现审美功能三个设计策略,从而让文化创意产品通过影响日常生活各层级来融入日常生活。以期为设计者重新认识文化创意产品与日常生活的关系提供新视角,并为提升文化创意产品的日常体验提供一定参考。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper combined with the cultural system theory of cultural ecology, the daily life system is summarized, and the existing problems of cultural and creative products are analyzed, so as to put forward the design significance of daily cultural and creative products. Combined with the functions of cultural and creative products, three design strategies are obtained, focusing on practical functions, using cognitive functions, and expressing aesthetic functions, so that cultural and creative products can be integrated into daily life by affecting all levels of daily life. This strategy can provide a new perspective for cultural and creative product designers to re-understand the relationship between cultural and creative products and daily life, and provide reference for improving the daily experience of cultural and creative products.

Key Words:Cultural Ecology; Cultural and Creative Products; Daily Life; Design