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单位:郑州轻工业大学     作者:郭子曦     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-09-26

摘 要:当前逐渐进入老龄化社会,然而针对老年人的养老、助老的产品需求,并未得到很好地发展。文章通过分析助老产品存在的问题及老年人的心理特征,从增加助老产品的五感刺激性、易操作性、交流互动性、美观耐用性这四方面阐述设计心理学在智慧助老产品设计中的应用。在老年人身心需求都得到满足的前提下,更好地实现老年人的自我实现与特殊需求,切实的从老年人的心理需求出发,设计出真正符合老年人的助老产品。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:At present, it is gradually entering an aging society, but the demand for products for the elderly and helping the elderly has not been well developed. The article analyzes the essential problems existing in the products for helping the elderly and the psychological characteristics of the elderly, from increasing the stimulation of the five senses of the products, the ease of operation of the products, the interaction of the products, and the beauty and durability of the products. The four aspects of sex illustrate the design application of design psychology in smart products for the aged. Under the basic premise that both the physical and mental needs of the elderly are met, the self-realization and special needs of the elderly can be better realized, and the elderly-aiding products that truly meet the elderly's age are designed based on the psychological needs of the elderly.

Key Words:Design Psychology; Smart Aging Products; Applications