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单位:贵州大学美术...     作者:赵威,王倩     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-09-26

摘 要:文章在心智模型的基础上,构建了用于开发河南文化创意产品的心智模型体系,预测和把握河南文化创意产品的发展趋势与研究方向,使产品的开发更加透明化、简易化。首先,分析心智模型的特点及用户的个性化需求,运用模块分类法对用户的心智模型进行收集、筛选、整理。其次,观测心智模型体系中模块更新与替换的迭代过程,并计算相应心智模块的更新率及权重占比。最终,明确心智模块的开发次序,优化河南文化创意产品设计的流程,为其发展提供切实可行的研究思路。 


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:On the basis of the mental model, build a mental model system for developing cultural and creative products in Henan, predict and grasp the development trend and research direction of cultural and creative products in Henan, and make product development more transparent and simplified. First, analyze the characteristics of the mental model and the personalized needs of users, and use the module classification method to collect, filter, and sort out the user's mental model. Secondly, observe the iterative process of module update and replacement in the mental model system, and calculate the update rate and weight ratio of the corresponding mental module. In the end, the development sequence of the mental module was clarified, and the design of Henan cultural and creative products was optimized. The construction of the mental model system provides feasible research ideas and directions for the development of cultural and creative products in Henan.

Key Words:Mental Model; Henan Cultural and Creative Products; Module Classification; Product Development