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单位:北京联合大学     作者:何欣     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-09-26

摘 要:文章以无障碍设计理论为基础,论证用户体验指导无障碍产品设计的重要性和可行性。依据听障大学生的生理特征、心理特征及课堂学习行为分析,采用问卷调查、用户访谈和KANO模型分析等研究方法,深度挖掘听障大学生对无障碍学习工具的设计需求。从感官体验、交互体验、情感体验三个用户体验层次对现有听障大学生无障碍产品进行分析并总结出设计原则,提出设计方案。通过文章的研究,以期获取真实用户需求,并设计出一款能够满足听障大学生课堂使用需求的辅助学习产品。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Based on the barrier-free design theory, this paper demonstrates the importance and feasibility of user experience guiding barrier-free design. According to the physiological and psychological characteristics and classroom learning behavior analysis of hearing-impaired college students, questionnaire surveys, user interviews and the analysis of the KANO model were used to explore the needs of hearing-impaired college students for barrier-free learning tools. This paper analyzes the existing audience-free products from the three user experience levels of sensory experience, interactive experience and emotional experience, summarizes the design principles, and puts forward the design principles. Through the study of this paper, the real user needs are obtained, and an auxiliary learning product is designed to meet the classroom use requirements of hearing-impaired college students.

Key Words:User Experience; Hearing-impaired College Students; Learning Tools; Barrier-free Design; User Needs