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单位:南京艺术学院...     作者:曾子容,黄亦佳     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-09-26

摘 要:研究希望在快递点原本的入口消杀基础上,从出口着手,提供创新的终点处理设计,更加彻底地消除公共卫生隐患。为此,系统地分析了人们生活习惯、行为路径和用户旅程,并重点分析了校园快递点目前的空间格局、任务类型、用户动线。继而,从产品的功能结构分析入手,进行多技术路径的优化组合。最终,确定了S形的半开敞—多功能、取件—消杀集成解决方案,并完善了相关配套设施设计。这对解决物流、人流密集的快递点卫生、消杀问题,具有一定的理论意义和应用价值。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The project hopes to provide innovative end-point treatment design based on the original entrance disinfection and sterilization of express delivery points, and more thoroughly eliminate public health hidden dangers. Therefore, systematically analyzing people's living habits, behavior paths and user journeys, and the current spatial pattern, task type, user movement line of campus express delivery points were analyzed. Then, starting with the function structure analysis of the product, the optimal combination of multi technology paths is carried out. Finally, the S-shaped semi-open multi-function and pick up disinfection and sterilization integrated solution is determined, and the design of relevant supporting facility is improved. This has certain theoretical significance and application value for solving the health and disinfection and sterilization problems of express delivery points with dense logistics and people flow.

Key Words:Product Design; Express Delivery; Health and Safety; Campus Express Delivery Point