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单位:江苏开放大学     作者:秦健,高峰     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-09-26

摘 要:乡村博物馆是乡村文化展示与传承的重要平台,然而,当前中国大多数乡村博物馆在展示设计中并没有很好地展现出乡村的地域文化,展示内容空洞、形式单一,这极大地阻碍了乡村文化的保护与传承。文章主要以乡村博物馆展示设计为切入点,以文化导向、受众导向和系统导向的三导向原则为指导,总结梳理出符合乡村博物馆地域文化保护与传承的展示设计策略,希望能为乡村博物馆在助力乡村文化振兴的过程中提供新的思路。


中图分类号:TU242.5 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Rural museums are an important platform for the display and inheritance of rural culture. However, at present, most rural museums in China do not well show the regional culture of rural areas in their display design. The display content is empty and the form is single, which greatly hinders the protection and inheritance of rural culture. This paper mainly takes the display design of rural museums as the starting point, and under the guidance of the three guiding principles of culture orientation, audience orientation and system orientation, summarizes and sorts out the display design strategies in line with the protection and inheritance of regional culture of rural museums, hoping to provide some new reference ideas for rural museums in the process of promoting the revitalization of rural culture.

Key Words:Regional Culture; Rural Museum; Display Design; Cultural Protection and Inheritance