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单位:中国美术学院     作者:王昀,陈可馨     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-10-20

摘 要:当前,科技竞赛通过促进高校人才培养、创新工业设计课程教学模式,在深化教育教学模式改革中占据重要地位。为改革传统工业设计课程教学模式,文章首先阐述了科技竞赛视角下的工业设计课程教学模式现存的问题,然后对工业设计课程教学模式的改进进行思考,提出课程教学模式改革思路。以期建立完善的工业设计课程教学体系,整合创新资源,普及设计教育,提高学生专业能力和设计素养,推动工业设计创新发展。


中图分类号:G642 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Science and technology competition, training of science and technology competition, teaching mode of industrial colleges and universities, and innovative design teaching mode in the similar design teaching mode reform are an important part of reforming the traditional industrial curriculum mode. Improve the design and teaching mode of the course, then ask questions about the teaching mode of the industrial design course, put forward the reform of the course teaching mode to improve the design and teaching system, integrate innovative resources, popularize the design course, improve the student's professional mode and design education standards, and promote industrial design. Innovative development.

Key Words:Industrial Design; Science and Technology Competition; Teaching Mode; Talent Training