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单位:北方工业大学     作者:张昭     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-10-20

摘 要:文章通过分析视障儿童的感知觉与心理特征,梳理视障儿童玩具设计的存在问题,剖析并总结出视障儿童触听能力训练的玩具设计意义。从触觉、听觉在感知世界过程中发挥的重要作用出发,强化玩具对视障儿童的触觉和听觉训练,以触觉和听觉为主导,以玩具的感知性、教育性、互动性、易用性为主线进行分析研究。以期为视障儿童的触觉和听觉训练提供新方法,为视障儿童玩具设计提供新的思路。


中图分类号:TS958.02 文献标识码:A


Abstract:By analyzing the characteristics of visual impaired children's sensory perception, this paper sorts out the existing problems in toy design for visually impaired children, analyzes and summarizes the significance of toy design for tactile and hearing ability training for visually impaired children. Starting from the important role of touch and hearing in the process of perceiving the world, this paper strengthens the training of touch and hearing of toys, takes touch and hearing as the leading role, and analyzes and studies the perceptual, educational, interactive and ease-of-use of toys as the main line. It provides principles and methods for the training of visual impaired children's sense of touch and hearing, and also provides new ideas for the design of toys for visually impaired children.

Key Words:Visually Impaired Children; touch Training; hearing Training; Toy Design