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单位:青岛理工大学     作者:刘皓一诺,李润泽,王春鹏     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-10-20

摘 要:以符号学角度切入,从宏观与微观的角度分析符号进而分析动作隐喻设计,总结动作隐喻设计原则,以指导动作隐喻设计实践。以无印良品CD机为例,将CD机隐喻部分进行符号学分析,总结归纳其中的隐喻内涵。隐喻是人类基本的认知思维,动作隐喻设计原则可以很好地消除用户在与产品交互时产生的执行与评估的沟壑,提高交互流畅度和用户体验。文章总结出与隐喻相关的符号学原则,分别是符号选择的原则、符号传递的原则,在此原则下的隐喻设计符合人的行为习惯和认知习惯。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:From the perspective of semiotics, this paper analyzes symbols from the macro and micro perspectives, then analyzes the design of action metaphor, and summarizes the principles of action metaphor design, so as to guide the practice of action metaphor design. Taking Muji CD player as an example, this paper makes a semiotic analysis of the metaphor part of CD player, and summarizes the metaphorical connotation. Metaphor is the basic cognitive thinking of human beings. The design principle of action metaphor can well eliminate the gap of execution and evaluation when users interact with products, and improve the interaction fluency and user experience. This paper summarizes the semiotic principles related to metaphor, which are the principle of symbol selection and symbol transmission. Under this principle, the metaphor design conforms to people's behavior habits and cognitive habits.

Key Words:Product Design; Design Semiotics; Action Metaphor