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单位:上海电机学院     作者:侯佳,朱逸雯     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-10-20

摘 要:文章旨在通过对中国铁路文化元素及学龄前儿童认知特征的分析,开展游戏书设计研究与实践。首先,借助文化分层理论,分别归纳提取中国铁路文化的物质、行为及精神三个层级上的元素特征;接着,将皮亚杰认知发展理论作为依据,探究4—6岁学龄前儿童的行为认知特点和其发展规律,并以此为依据分析基于铁路文化元素的学龄前儿童认知游戏书的感官设计要素及交互设计形式;最后,将其运用到设计实例中,设计出一套符合学龄前阶段儿童认知水平,传递中国铁路知识和情怀的儿童游戏书,为学龄前儿童游戏书设计提供积极的现实意义和参考价值。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper aims to carry out the research and practice of game book design through the analysis of the cultural elements of Chinese railways and the cognitive characteristics of preschool children. First, with the help of the theory of cultural stratification, the article summarizes and extracts the element characteristics of Chinese railway culture at three levels: material, behavior and spirit; The characteristics of behavioral cognition and its development law, and based on this, the sensory design elements and interactive design forms of preschool children's cognitive game books based on railway cultural elements are analyzed; finally, they are applied to design examples to design a set of A children's game book that conforms to the cognitive level of preschool children, conveys the knowledge and feelings of China's railways, and provides positive practical significance and reference value for the design of preschool children's game books.

Key Words:Railway Cultural Elements; Preschool Children; Cognitive Characteristics; game book; Design