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单位:陕西科技大学     作者:王伟伟,程思思     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-10-21

摘 要:缓解疲劳、消除亚健康对于办公族来说刻不容缓。因此,为伏案久坐的办公族设计出一款能主动式工作、即时缓解疲劳、 消除亚健康、提高工作效率、适合办公使用的办公用按摩椅具有非常重要的意义。文章首先阐述了服务设计理念的内容,然后调研市场上的办公用按摩椅产品,并进行分析评价,将服务设计理念运用到办公用按摩椅产品的创新设计中,最后提出了办公按摩椅的设计流程,并运用服务设计工具和方法确定办公用按摩椅设计的思路。以期为办公用按摩椅设计提供一定借鉴。


中图分类号:TS664.01 文献标识码:A


Abstract:To relieve fatigue and eliminate sub-health is no time for office workers. Therefore, it is of great significance to design an office massage chair that can work actively, relieve fatigue immediately, eliminate sub-health, improve work efficiency and be suitable for office scenes. The article first expounds the service design concept, then investigates the office massage chair products in the market, analyzes and evaluates them, and applies the service design concept to the innovative design of office massage chair products. Finally, the design process of office massage chair is proposed, and the idea of office massage chair design is determined by using service design tools and methods to provide some reference for office massage chair design.

Key Words:Service Design Concept; Office; Massage Chair; Design