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单位:武汉工程大学...     作者:刘庆秋,高英强     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-10-21

摘 要:文章对古代应对地震这类自然灾害发展而来的中国榫卯工艺和葡萄牙“庞巴尔笼”结构的产生和发展进行分析,归纳了其以柔克刚的木质抗震原理及审美价值。根据查询资料,分析了国内外木质构件抗震属性的应用方法,以及它在建筑领域的应用现状及发展前景。从工艺材料及造型结构不断演变的方向出发,对比并分析中外木质构件的发展现状,希望对今后我国榫卯工艺的应用及发展提供一个可行的方向,同时为榫卯的创新性设计奠定牢固的根基,对其传承及发展起到积极与推动的作用。


中图分类号:TU366.2 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Based on the analysis of the Chinese mortise and tenon technology developed in ancient times to cope with natural disasters such as earthquakes and the emergence and development of the Portuguese "Gaiola Pombalina" structure, the article concludes the wooden seismic principle and aesthetic value of the wooden structure. According to the inquiry data, the application methods of seismic property of wood construction at home and abroad are analyzed, as well as its application status and development prospects in the field of architecture. Starting from the direction of the continuous evolution of craft materials and molding structures, this paper compares and analyzes the development status of wood components at home and abroad, hoping to provide a feasible direction for the application and development of mortise and tenon technology in China in the future, and at the same time lay a solid foundation for the innovative design of mortise and tenon, and play a positive role in promoting its inheritance and development.

Key Words:Anti-seismic; Ancient Buildings; Wooden Component; Mortise and Tenon Technology; Gaiola Pombalina Structure