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单位:苏州大学艺术学院     作者:刘倩     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-10-21

摘 要:经过对安徽皖南地区及西递宏村等地的多次实地考察,不难发现徽派建筑所反映出的是“以人为本,天人合一”的思想,这种思想境界与当地的茶文化理念、大众高品质超自然的生活诉求相吻合。文章首先对徽派建筑装饰元素进行深入的分析与提炼;然后采用理论结合实际的方法论述徽派建筑文化与茶馆文化,加以结合解释其统一性与特殊性;最后结合实际案例探索徽派建筑装饰元素在室内装饰中的应用方式,以此来指导设计徽派休闲茶馆。


中图分类号:TU247.3 文献标识码:A


Abstract:After many field visits to southern Anhui and xidihong village, it is not difficult to find that the environmental aesthetic thought of "people-oriented and the unity of heaven and man" reflected in Huizhou architecture is consistent with the local tea culture concept and the public's high-quality supernatural life demands. Through the in-depth analysis and refinement of the decorative elements of Huizhou architecture; Using the method of combining theory with practice, this paper discusses the Huizhou architectural culture and teahouse culture, and explains its unity and particularity; Combined with practical cases, this paper explores the application of Huizhou architectural decoration elements in interior decoration, and uses it to guide the design of Huizhou leisure teahouse.

Key Words:Hui-style Architecture; Decorative elements; Teahouse design