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单位:武汉设计工程学院     作者:江帆鸿     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-10-21

摘 要:近年来,很多家具设计喜欢将中国传统元素应用于家具设计中,楚文化元素作为中国传统文化元素的代表之一,一直受到大家的关注,因此文章着重探讨楚文化元素在家具设计中的应用。文章首先对楚文化元素进行解析,然后阐述楚文化元素在家具设计中的应用意义,最后提出楚文化元素在家具设计中的应用思路。以期传承中国传统文化,并对现代的家具设计提供一定借鉴。


中图分类号:TS664 文献标识码:A


Abstract: In recent years, many furniture design like to apply Chinese traditional elements in furniture design, Chu cultural elements as one of the representatives of traditional Chinese cultural elements, has been the attention of everyone, so this article focuses on the Chu cultural elements in furniture design application. This paper first analyzes the Chu cultural elements, then expounds the application significance of Chu cultural elements in furniture design, and finally puts forward the application ideas of Chu cultural elements in furniture design. In order to inherit the traditional Chinese culture, and to provide a certain reference for modern furniture design.

Key Words:Chu Cultural Elements; Interior Design; Furniture Design