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单位:河南科技大学     作者:张梦梦,左洪亮     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-11-28

摘 要:在人口老龄化的社会背景下,为了优化老年人的生活质量,文章首先以老年人电动牙刷为研究对象,结合问卷调查,得出感性词汇组,然后用感性工学方法进行感性词汇组的筛选,最后结合服务设计理论,通过用户流程图进行用户需求分析,并对感性词汇进行进一步筛选区分,利用感性工学的计算方法满足老年人的刷牙需求。以期促进老年人电动牙刷市场的发展,为老年人电动牙刷的设计提供一定借鉴。


中图分类号:TS959.12 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In the aging of the population under the background of society, in order to optimize the quality of life for the elderly, based on the old electric toothbrush as the research object, combined with the questionnaire survey, it is concluded that the perceptual word group, emotional vocabulary group screening in perceptual engineering methods, finally combining with the theory of service design, through the flow chart of households with user needs some research and analysis to the distinction between perceptual terms for further screening, The calculation method of Kansei engineering is used to meet the brushing needs of the elderly, promote the development of the market of electric toothbrush for the elderly, and provide some reference for the design of electric toothbrush for the elderly.

Key Words:Kansei Engineering; Electric Toothbrush for the Elderly; Service Design; Product Design Requirements