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单位:茂名职业技术...     作者:贲雯     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-11-28

摘 要:文章对青年公寓的现状进行分析,得出青年公寓交往空间的缺失。同时,借鉴柯布西耶设计的马赛公寓,运用实地观察法、情景访谈法、设计师原型共情体验法等方法挖掘现代青年公寓交往空间的缺失,探究青年人群对社交的需求、倾向与行为模式。从而,尝试从社区营造视角增加青年群体与不同群体之间的交往空间,缓解城市化过程中由于建筑用地减少,导致交往空间缺失而产生青年群体的交流问题。以期从社区营造视角组建青年公寓的交往空间,以当下青年群体认同的社区模式,通过青年公寓内外的交往空间营造社区氛围,从而缓解青年群体的压力与人情冷漠的问题,从而增加青年群体对城市的归属感。


中图分类号:TU241.2 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The article analyzes the current situation of youth apartments and concludes that there is a lack of interaction space in youth apartments. At the same time, the article learned from the Marseille apartment designed by Corbusier and uses field observation, situational interview and designer prototype empathy to explore the lack of interaction space in modern youth apartments, and to investigate the needs, tendencies and behavior patterns of young people towards social interaction. Thus, we try to increase the interaction space between youth groups and different groups from the perspective of community creation, and alleviate the problems of youth mobility caused by the lack of interaction due to the reduction of building land in the process of urbanization. Lastly, we try to create a space for interaction in youth apartments from the perspective of community creation, and create a community atmosphere through the interaction space inside and outside of youth apartments in order to alleviate the pressure of social needs and indifference of youth groups, and increase the sense of belonging of youth groups to the city.

Key Words: Community Creation; Youth Apartment; Space for Interaction; Design