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单位:晋中信息学院     作者:吴洪洁     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-11-28

摘 要:作为设计的重要基础,平面构成、色彩构成和立体构成将会对整体室内设计产生较为重要的影响。同时,三大构成也是艺术设计领域的基础学科,是设计过程中需要遵循的基本原则。文章首先阐述了三大构成的内容,然后阐述了三大构成在室内设计中的应用意义,最后提出三大构成在室内设计中的应用思路。以期更好地满足人们的居住需求。


中图分类号:TU238 文献标识码:A


Abstract:As an important basis of design, plane composition, color composition and three-dimensional composition will have a more important impact on the overall interior design. The three components are also the basic disciplines in the field of art design and the basic principles to be followed in the design process. This paperfirst expounds the contents of the three components, then expounds the application significance of the three components in interior design, and finally puts forward the application ideas of the three components in interior design. In order to better meet people's living needs.

Key Words:Three Components; Interior Design; Application