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单位:湖北美术学院     作者:张心悦,韩桂荣,王康     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-11-28

摘 要:文章从服务设计角度探索老年群体的服药行为。在此情境下,拟构建一种全自动化、智能化的老年群体服药系统,利用服务设计研究工具,基于服务设计理念进行老年群体智能化服药辅助设备设计。智能化服药辅助设备结合线上APP和线下设备,在安全用药前提下解决老年群体服药难的问题,并利用服务设计理念构建老年群体与医护人员云端数据就医新关系、探寻老年群体服药行为的新方法。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper explores the taking medicine for the elderly from the perspective of service design. In this situation, it is planned to build a fully automated and intelligent elderly group medication system, and use the service design research tool to design the intelligent elderly group medication aids based on the service design concept.This intelligent medication auxiliary equipment, combined with online app and offline equipment, solves the problem of difficult medication for the elderly under the premise of safe medication, builds a new relationship between the elderly and medical staff in the cloud, explores new methods of medication behavior for the elderly.

Key Words:Service Design; Elderly Group; Intelligence; Design of Medicine Auxiliary Equipment; Idea