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单位:西南交通大学     作者:史海磊,李英     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-11-28

摘 要:嘉绒藏族传统服饰因其独特的织绣工艺和装饰特征而被誉为民间工艺中的珍品。文章首先通过现场调研及查阅文献对嘉绒藏族传统服饰纹样进行了解;其次提取嘉绒藏族传统服饰纹样,对其进行创新设计;最后,将再设计的嘉绒藏族传统服饰纹样应用到现代纺织品设计实践中。将嘉绒藏族传统服饰纹样创新地运用到现代室内纺织品设计中,是对嘉绒藏族传统纹样年轻化、时尚化的一种尝试,同时也为现代室内纺织品设计提供了新思路。


中图分类号:TS105.11 文献标识码:A


Abstract: Jiarong Tibetan traditional clothing is known as the treasure of folk technology because of its unique weaving and embroidery technology and decorative characteristics. Firstly, through on-site investigation and literature review, this paper understands the patterns of Jiarong Tibetan traditional clothing; Secondly, the patterns of Jiarong Tibetan traditional costumes are extracted and innovated; Finally, the redesigned Jiarong Tibetan traditional clothing patterns are applied to the practice of modern textile design. The innovative application of Jiarong Tibetan traditional clothing patterns to modern indoor textile design is an attempt to make Jiarong Tibetan traditional patterns younger and fashionable, and provide new ideas for modern indoor textile design.

Key Words:Jiarong Tibetan; Traditional Clothing Patterns; Design Innovation; Textile Design