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单位:四川轻化工大...     作者:向未唏,张久美     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-12-26

摘 要:从下肢功能轻度障碍老年人群的视角来看,我国目前的适老化助行产品存在外观机械化、缺乏人文关怀等问题。文章首先阐述了FBS模型理论;然后通过对比国内产品的性能与类型,了解产品的优缺点,分析用户特征和现有产品的痛点;最后以FBS模型变量之间的层层映射,完成产品的创新设计。以期为适老化助行器设计提供新的设计思路,对其他老年产品开发设计也提供一定的参考。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:From the perspective of the elderly group with mild lower limb function impairment, the current aging assistance products in China have problems such as mechanized appearance and lack of humanistic care. The article firstly elaborates the theory of FBS model; then by comparing the performance and types of domestic products, understanding the advantages and disadvantages of the products, analyzing the user characteristics and the pain points of the existing products; and finally completes the innovative design of the products with the mapping between the layers of FBS model variables. In order to provide new design ideas for the design of age-appropriate walkers, and provide some reference for other elderly product development and design.

Key Words:Product Design; FBS Model; Suitable for Aging; Walker Products