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单位:哈尔滨工业大学     作者:张伟明     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-12-26

摘 要:研究以设计学成为交叉学科门类为背景,从设计学的学科特征及广义交叉学科人才培养方式的梳理和分析入手,深入探究设计学作为交叉学科后自身应做出的调整,以及亟待解决的问题。结合现阶段相关行业发展对设计人才综合能力的要求,深入挖掘交叉学科视角下设计人才培养方向的变化及影响。研究重点探讨了交叉学科视角下高校设计人才培养模式的嬗变,以期为高校设计人才培养的理论和方法提供一定借鉴。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Based on the background that design has become an interdisciplinary discipline, this study explores the adjustment that design should make as an interdisciplinary discipline and the problems to be solved by combing and analyzing the disciplinary characteristics of design and the training methods of interdisciplinary talents in a broad sense. Combined with the requirements of the development of relevant industries on the comprehensive ability of design talents at the present stage, the change and influence of the training direction of design talents under the cross-disciplinary perspective is deeply explored. The research focuses on the evolution of the new training mode of design talents in colleges and universities under the cross-disciplinary perspective, in order to design the theory and method of talent training for universities.

Key Words:Interdisciplinary; Design Science; College Personnel Training; Mode; Transmutation