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单位:哈尔滨职业技...     作者:李明     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-12-26

摘 要:如今中国正处于国家经济转型升级的重要阶段,而高职学生正是制造业的中坚力量。各高职院校应当顺应时代的发展需求,使高职学生能够得到全面的发展。文章以高职院校艺术设计类技能型人才的工匠精神培养为着力点,探索艺术设计类技能型人才工匠精神的培育路径,剖析艺术设计类技能型人才“工匠精神”的生成机理,并提出高职院校艺术设计专业技能型人才的工匠精神培养策略,以期为高职院校工匠精神培育工作提供新的思路。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Now China is in an important stage of national economic transformation and upgrading, vocational college students are the backbone of the manufacturing industry. Each higher vocational college should conform to the development needs of The Times, so that higher vocational students can get comprehensive development. This paper focuses on the cultivation of artisan spirit among skilled talents of art and design in higher vocational colleges, explores the cultivation path of artisan spirit among skilled talents of art and design, analyzes the generation mechanism of "artisan spirit" among skilled talents of art and design in higher vocational colleges, and proposes the cultivation strategy of artisan spirit among skilled talents of art and design in higher vocational colleges. In order to provide new thinking for vocational college craftsman spirit cultivation work.

Key Words:Higher Vocational Colleges; Art Design Major; Skilled Talents; Craftsman Spirit