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单位:四川大学     作者:朱音洁     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-12-26

摘 要:文章以插画动态化为切入点,立足于数字媒体传播大环境下,探讨动态插画如何实现情绪表达,同时探索出符合当下人文色彩的动态插画情绪表达方法。从数字媒体传播带来的转变分析动态插画,满足时空纵深感、多感官聚合、交互式体验、信息传达优化等特点,使其在创作中不仅具有欣赏性,同时也可以展示艺术的情绪共鸣与疗愈作用,从而找到符合创作者与受众需求的情感化作品设计方式,探寻动态插画发展的更多可能性。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This article takes the dynamic illustration as the breakthrough point, and based on the communication environment of the digital media, discusses how dynamic illustration can achieve emotional expression, and explores the emotional expression method of dynamic illustration that conforms to the current humanistic color. Analyze dynamic illustration from the changes brought by digital media communication, meet the characteristics of time and space depth, multisensor aggregation, interactive experience, information transmission optimization, etc., so that it can not only be appreciated in the creation, but also show the emotional resonance and healing role of art, so as to find an emotional work design method that meets the needs of creators and audiences, and explore more possibilities for the development of dynamic illustration.

Key Words:Digital media; Dynamic illustration; Emotional expression