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单位:哈尔滨职业技...     作者:单晨曦     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-12-26

摘 要:商业插画具有独特的艺术特点和突出的视觉效果,而波普艺术以其独特的风格吸引着大众的目光。文章首先阐述了波普艺术风格的特征,然后阐述了商业插画的概念。其次阐述了波普风格在商业插画设计中的应用意义,并提出波普风格在商业插画设计中的应用思路,最后赋予实践。以期为商业插画设计提供一定借鉴。


中图分类号:J218.5 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Commercial illustration has unique artistic characteristics and outstanding visual effects, while Pop art attracts the public's attention with its unique style. The article first expounds the characteristics of pop art style, and then expounds the concept of commercial illustration. Secondly, it expounds the application significance of Pop style in commercial illustration design, and puts forward the application ideas of Pop style in commercial illustration design, and finally gives practice. In order to provide some reference for commercial illustration design.

Key Words:Pop Style; Commercial Illustration; Application