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单位:无锡突围教育...     作者:尹靖     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-12-26

摘 要:元宇宙的概念已经成为新的社会热点,从主观上看元宇宙是虚拟与现实世界的融合,并非单纯的虚拟世界。传统空间设计受物理框架与材料本身约束的影响,好的灵感难以实现。在元宇宙空间可以实现虚拟空间对现实世界的数字化,打造全新的社会生活形态。文章通过元宇宙数字媒体技术探讨空间环境设计的变革与创新,以期为空间设计提供新的思路。


中图分类号:TU238 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The concept of meta universe has become a new social hot spot. Subjectively, meta universe is the integration of virtual and real world, not a simple virtual world. Traditional space design is affected by the physical framework and the constraints of the material itself, and good inspiration is difficult to achieve. In the meta space, we can realize the digitalization of the virtual space to the real world and create a new social life form. This paper discusses the transformation and innovation of space environment design through the meta-cosmic digital media technology in order to provide new ideas for space design.

Key Words:The Perspective of Cosmic Digital Media; Digital Space; Reform; Innovation