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单位:西安工程大学...     作者:苏子杰,彭嵘     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-12-27

摘 要:家具设计样式是不同地区、不同时期人们生产生活方式、文化风俗习惯、经济发展水平的具体体现。时间上,西方文艺复兴与中国明代基本属于同期,均能体现中西方家具发展中的典型风格,但中西方的表现方式却有所差异。文章采用比较分析法,通过对中国明代与欧洲文艺复兴时期家具的造型、装饰、材质、审美等方面进行对比分析,从中归纳出两者的艺术特点及差异特征,以期为今后的家具设计研究提供一定的理论参考。


中图分类号:TS664 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Furniture design is the concrete embodiment of people's production and life style, cultural customs and economic development level in different regions and periods. In terms of time, the Western Renaissance and China's Ming Dynasty basically belong to the same period, both of which belong to the typical style in the development of Chinese and Western furniture, but their ways of expression are different. This paper adopts the method of comparative analysis, through the comparative analysis of the modeling, decoration, material and aesthetics of furniture in the Ming Dynasty and the European Renaissance, summarizing their different artistic characteristics , to provide a certain theoretical reference for the future furniture design research.

Key Words:Ming Dynasty Furniture; Renaissance Furniture; Comparative Analysis