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单位:安徽工业大学...     作者:何湘楠,王雪洁,郭洋洋     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-12-27

摘 要:徽州人文荟萃,民间艺术更是经久不衰,尤其以徽州建筑的窗棂艺术最为著名。徽派建筑窗棂独特的设计形式、题材寓意、雕刻手法,都象征着徽州人渴望美好生活的夙愿,也是古代民间巧匠发挥自己创意的媒介,造型各异、雕工精巧的徽派窗棂历经沧海桑田,见证了朝代更替,具有美学设计的意境。文章通过分析徽州历史及其人文环境因素研究徽派建筑窗棂的产生、发展及艺术特点,以期促进徽派窗棂艺术的传承和推广。


中图分类号:TU241.5 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Huizhou is rich in humanities, and folk art is enduring for a long time. Among them, the window lattice art of Huizhou architecture is the most famous.The unique design form, theme implication, symbolic mood, carving technique and use of materials of Huizhou architectural window lattice all symbolize the long-cherished wish of Huizhou people for a better life, and it is also a medium for ancient folk skilled craftsmen to exert their creative thinking. The exquisite Huizhou window lattices have gone through vicissitudes of life and witnessed the replacement of dynasties. They have an aesthetic design concept. The full text aims to study the generation, development and artistic characteristics of Huizhou architectural window lattices by analyzing the history of Huizhou and its humanistic environment factors. Further exploration.

Key Words:Huizhou; Architectural Window lattice; Decorative Pattern; Artistic Features; Express