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单位:青岛大学纺织...     作者:朱少彤,辛玉军     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-01-19

摘 要:文章力图通过研究寻求老年人与多功能服装之间的情感纽带,解决老年人在日常穿衣过程中的功能需求与痛点问题。利用问卷调查和访谈分析的研究方法,对用户进行“说”“做”“想”的移情研究,得出老年人对服装具有生理需求、行为需求、审美需求和实用需求,通过探究用户特征与需求,得出相关设计原则,即安全性原则、灵活性原则、情感性原则和实用性原则。同时基于上述研究,对老年人服装进行具体设计,通过对服装的风格、面辅料、结构工艺等方面的设计来实现服装的多功能性,以提升服装的穿着体验感,满足老年人对于服装的多功能需求和情感诉求。


中图分类号:TS941 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper tries to seek the emotional bond between the elderly and multifunctional clothing through research, and solve the functional needs and pain points of the elderly in the process of daily dressing. Using the research methods of questionnaire and interview analysis, for the user to "speak" "to do" "want to" empathy research, it is concluded that the elderly have physiological demand for clothing, behavioral requirements, aesthetic requirements and functional requirements, through exploring the user characteristics and requirements, related design principles, namely the security principle, flexibility principle, the principle of emotional and practical principle. At the same time, based on the above research, the specific design of clothing for the elderly is carried out, and the versatility of clothing is realized through the design of clothing style, fabric and accessories, structure and process, so as to improve the wearing experience of clothing and meet the multi-functional needs and emotional appeals of the elderly for clothing.

Key Words:Empathy design; The elderly; Multi-function; Clothing design