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单位:山西大学美术学院     作者:赵俊利,要宇     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-01-19

摘 要:新零售时代下,以消费者情感体验和为消费者提供最优质的服务是新零售的本质理念,构建与消费者互动的个性体验式场景是未来之势。如今以追逐销量和盈利为目的的传统汽车销售行业,不能迎合大众消费需求的不断升级,应推动传统汽车零售行业进行不断的创新和消费场景的重塑。文章重新思考消费者与汽车零售空间之间的联系,结合现今商业模式的转型升级,来探究汽车体验店空间设计策略,探索人、空间、互动、体验、情感之间的相互联系,希望能为汽车零售店空间体验与场景服务体系提供可供参考的设计思路。


中图分类号:J525.2 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In the era of new retail, taking consumer emotional experience and providing consumers with the best quality service as the core is the essential concept of new retail, and building interactive and personalized experiential scenes with consumers is the trend of the future. Today's traditional automobile sales industry, which aims to chase sales and profitability, cannot cater to the continuous upgrading of mass consumption demand, which promotes the traditional automobile retail industry to carry out different innovations and reshape consumption scenarios. This paper rethinks the connection between consumers and the auto retail space, combines the transformation and upgrading of today's business model, explores the space design strategy of the auto experience store, explores the interconnection between people-space-interaction-experience-emotion, so as to improve the drawbacks of traditional auto retail, hoping to provide a reference design idea for the auto retail store space experience and scene service system.

Key Words:New Retail; Automobile Experience Store; User Experience; Space Design