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单位:沈阳建筑大学     作者:戴巍,慕欣汝     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-01-19

摘 要:文章以我国东北地区高校校园建设为出发点,重点突出了历史文脉在东北地区高校校园景观设计中的价值,反思了历史文脉缺失现象背后的成因。通过对东北地区高校校园景观设计的优秀案例进行研究,总结出如何结合历史文脉来进行校园景观设计,并从校园的空间、自然属性、人文精神等角度探讨东北地区高校景观设计中文脉传承的方法与创新策略,使东北地区高校的校园建设与历史文脉紧密相连,由浅及深地向人们展现东北地区高校校园的特色性人文历史景观。


中图分类号:TU984.14 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The article highlights the value of historical heritage in the campus landscape design of northeast China's colleges and universities, and reflects on the causes behind the lack of historical heritage. Through the study of excellent cases of campus landscape design in northeastern universities, the paper summarizes how to combine historical heritage in campus landscape design, and discusses the methods and innovative strategies of heritage in northeastern university landscape design from the perspectives of campus space, natural attributes and humanistic spirit, so that the campus construction of northeastern universities is closely connected with historical heritage, and shows the readers the characteristic humanistic history of northeastern university campuses from shallow to deep. This book will show readers the distinctive humanistic and historical landscape of the campus of Northeastern universities.

Key Words:Historical Context Inheriting; Northeast China; Universities; Landscape Design