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单位:安徽三联学院 ...     作者:韦雅元,焦小岚     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-01-19

摘 要:如今的建筑装饰设计正在不断地蓬勃发展,而作为中国传统文化中较为重要的中国传统吉祥图案,广泛地应用于建筑装饰设计中。文章以中国传统吉祥图案装饰设计作为研究的切入点,在中国传统文化思想内涵的文化背景下,首先对传统吉祥图案分类和寓意表达进行阐述,并从中总结出在建筑装饰设计中融入中国传统吉祥图案的内涵。其次提出中国传统吉祥图案在建筑装饰设计中的应用思路,最后通过设计案例从建筑的室外和室内装饰两方面应用进行分析。文章以弘扬中国优秀传统文化、发扬中国吉祥图案的精髓为前提,以期为建筑装饰设计工作者提供一定借鉴,从而让中国优秀传统文化得以传承与发展。


中图分类号:TU238 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the development of contemporary architectural decoration design, Chinese traditional auspicious patterns, as a form of expression of Chinese traditional culture, are also used by designers in architectural appearance design, expression mode, color combination and other decorative aspects. The article takes the innovation of Chinese traditional auspicious pattern decoration design as the starting point, and the connotation of Chinese traditional cultural concept as the background. First, it analyzes the classification and moral expression of traditional auspicious patterns, and summarizes the inheritance significance of Chinese traditional auspicious patterns in modern architectural decoration. Secondly, it analyzes the application of traditional auspicious patterns in modern architectural decoration, and finally analyzes the application of Chinese traditional auspicious patterns in architectural decoration design through typical cases. In order to carry forward the essence of Chinese auspicious patterns, the article rooted architectural decoration design in the soil of national culture, which can make architectural decoration design more cultural and social.In order to provide some reference for the architectural decoration design, and inherit the Chinese traditional culture.

Key Words:Chinese Traditional Auspicious Pattern; Architectural Decoration Design; Application