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单位:重庆师范大学...     作者:张进,郭东梅     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-02-27

摘 要:文章以桃源地域考察收集和湖南省博物馆所展示的桃源枕顶绣样本为基础,并从题材、构图和色彩三个方面对桃源枕顶绣的艺术特征进行解读分析。研究得出桃源枕顶绣的题材内容主要分为植物类、人物类、动物类、博古类和文字五类,每大类的题材组合具有灵活多样性,构图上以单幅的中心式、散点式和隐藏式为主,具有形式上的视觉美感和寓意上的连贯性;色彩上形成了鲜艳明亮和高雅质朴的用色效果,集功能性和审美性为一体。文章通过对桃源枕顶绣艺术特征的研究,以期进一步加深对桃源枕顶绣工艺的认识,为传承和保护桃源刺绣的多样化发展提供理论参考。


中图分类号:J528 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Based on Taoyuan's regional investigation and collection and the samples of Taoyuan pillow top embroidery displayed in Hunan Provincial Museum, the article interprets and analyzes the artistic characteristics of Taoyuan pillow top embroidery from three aspects: subject matter, composition and color. It is concluded that the subject matter of Taoyuan pillow top embroidery is mainly divided into five categories: plants, figures, animals, ancients and characters, and the subject combination of each category is flexible and diverse. The composition is dominated by single central, scattered and hidden styles, with visual beauty in form and coherence in meaning. The colors form a bright and elegant color effect, which integrates functionality and aesthetics. Through the research on the artistic characteristics of Taoyuan pillow top embroidery, this paper hopes to further deepen the understanding of Taoyuan pillow top embroidery craftsmanship, and provide a theoretical reference for inheriting and protecting the diversified development of Taoyuan embroidery.

Key Words:Pillow Top Embroidery; Taoyuan; Theme; Composition; Color