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单位:大连外国语大...     作者:郭红利,高增荣     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-02-27

摘 要:承德避暑山庄的修建是出于政治、外交等多种因素,无论是从文化价值还是历史价值与美学价值来看都具有重要意义,它是中国园林史上一座辉煌的里程碑,也是中国古典园林艺术的杰作。承德避暑山庄拥有独特的建筑文化,同时,融合了许多优秀的建造工艺,它以独特的艺术魅力展现给世人,这也是承德避暑山庄最突出的特点。文章主要分析了承德避暑山庄的建筑特点及建筑中蕴含的文化,对承德避暑山庄的建筑文化展开研究。承德避暑山庄的建筑兼具南北特色,融合了南方建筑的古典温婉和北方建筑的气势宏伟,是南北融合的完美呈现,它精湛的建造工艺让人们对中国古代的园林建筑文化有了全新的认识。


中图分类号:TU-86 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The construction of Chengde Summer Resort is due to political, diplomatic and other factors. It is of great significance in terms of cultural value, historical value and aesthetic value. It is a brilliant milestone in the history of Chinese garden, a masterpiece of Chinese classical garden art. Chengde Summer Resort has a unique architectural culture, at the same time, the integration of many excellent construction techniques, it shows to the world with a unique artistic charm, which is the most outstanding characteristics of Chengde Summer Resort. This paper mainly analyzes the architectural characteristics of Chengde Summer Resort and the culture contained in the architecture, and conducts research from the architectural culture of the mountain resort. The architecture of Chengde Summer Resort has the characteristics of both the North and the south, which combines the classical gentleness of the south and the imposing manner of the North. It is a perfect combination of the North and the south, and its exquisite construction technology gives us a new understanding of the ancient Chinese garden architecture culture.

Key Words:Architectural Culture; Architectural Features; Construction Technology