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单位:绵阳城市学院...     作者:刘文霜,张彦艳     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-02-27

摘 要:文章旨在从中国传统文化与当代居住区景观设计之间的关联现象,结合中国传统园林的造景手法,得出中国传统文化在居住区景观设计中的应用原则与思路。文章通过传统地理学、山水诗画和文学艺术,阐述它们在居住区景观设计中的应用思路,得出中国传统文化在居住区景观设计中的表现手法。以期让景观成为传承和发扬中国文化内涵的载体,传承和发扬中国文化,为居住区景观设计提供一定借鉴。


中图分类号:TU984.12 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper aims to draw the application principles and ideas of Chinese traditional culture in residential landscape from the correlation phenomenon between Chinese traditional culture and contemporary residential landscape design, combined with the landscaping techniques of Chinese traditional gardens. Through traditional geography, landscape poetry and painting, literature and art, this paper expounds their application ideas in residential landscape design, and obtains the expression techniques of Chinese traditional culture in residential landscape design. In order to make landscape become the carrier of inheriting and carrying forward the connotation of Chinese culture, inherit and carry forward Chinese culture, and provide certain reference for residential landscape design.

Key Words:Chinese Traditional Culture; Residential Area; Landscape Design