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单位:深圳信息职业...     作者:徐杰,徐颖     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-02-27

摘 要:中国传统艺术图案凝聚着本土璀璨的文化基因,是当代设计源源不断的艺术宝藏。青绿山水图案能表现出对生存环境的关注,以及对自然原生境界的倾心。文章以青绿山水图案为例,探讨传统艺术图案与当今室内空间设计相结合,以自然生态适宜的空间尺度、别致的材料肌理兼顾现代的审美趣味,通过外在物象的简化设计符号运用于室内空间来表达意境美,以期为室内设计提供一定借鉴。


中图分类号:TU238.2 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Chinese traditional art pattern embodies the bright local culture gene and is an endless artistic treasure of contemporary design. The green landscape pattern shows the concern for the living environment and the devotion to the natural primitive realm. Taking the green landscape pattern as an example, this paper discusses how to combine the essence of traditional art pattern with today's indoor life style, taking into account the modern aesthetic taste with the space scale suitable for natural ecology, the chic material texture, and using the simplified design symbols of external objects in interior space to express the beauty of artistic conception, in order to provide some reference for interior design.

Key Words:Green Landscape Pattern; Interior Design; Innovative Application