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单位:丽水学院中国...     作者:陈昭宇,李文霏,张娜     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-02-27

摘 要:当下宠物的临时安置问题,随着养宠人群日益壮大越发突出。文章以宠物狗这一具有外出需求的宠物为设计对象,进行设计研究。首先,调查分析了宠物狗的生理特点及心理特点,继而总结出宠物狗的安置需求以及解决办法。其次,结合公共设施的设计原则,设计了一款满足宠物狗安置需求,且符合用户日常行为习惯的宠物临时安置柜。以解决宠物主人因无法妥善临时安置宠物狗,而影响日程安排的问题。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:At present, the problem of temporary placement of pets is becoming more and more prominent with the growing pet breeding population. This article takes the pet dog which has the need to go out, as the design object to carry out design research. Firstly, the article investigates and analyzes the physiological and psychological characteristics of pet dogs, and then summarizes the placement needs and solutions of pet dogs. Secondly, combined with the design principles of public facilities, a temporary pet placement cabinet is designed to meet the placement needs of pet dogs and meet the daily behavior habits of users. In order to solve the problem that pet owners can not properly temporarily arrange their pet dogs, which affects the schedule.

Key Words:Product Design; Pet Dogs; Temporary Placement Cabinets