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单位:吉首大学美术学院     作者:郭明鹃     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-02-27

摘 要:后现代主义设计理念在人文思想、历史文脉的延续、设计的多元化和生态环境的保护等方面与当代乡村景观的发展有很多的契合点。乡村景观现今还处于摸索研究阶段,许多方法还不太成熟,因此后现代主义设计理念对于乡村景观的发展有着重要的参考价值。文章以后现代主义设计理念为切入点,结合乡村景观的现存问题提出后现代主义设计理念在乡村景观中的应用策略,以期为后续乡村景观的发展助力。


中图分类号:TU982.29 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The postmodernist design concept has many points of convergence with the development of contemporary rural landscapes in terms of humanistic thought, the continuation of historical context, the diversification of design and the protection of ecological environment. Rural landscapes are still in the stage of exploration and research, and many methods are not yet mature, so postmodernist design concepts have important reference value for the development of rural landscapes. The article takes the post modernism design concept as the starting pointand proposes the application strategy of postmodernist design concept in rural landscape in combination with the existing problems of rural landscape, which helps the development of subsequent rural landscapes.

Key Words:Postmodern; Rural Landscape; Design Concept