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单位:安徽师范大学...     作者:曾方苹     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-03-20

摘 要:环境设计是一门多学科联系紧密的专业,市场要求环境设计专业人才不断提升综合素养,环境设计专业实践教学改革是应用型人才培养发展的基础,在教学上应协调统筹并及时调整专业课程的设置。文章从高等院校环境设计专业现状出发,针对现有问题提出实践教学改革的有效路径。阐述了设计类专业课程如何从项目实操、网络平台、课程体系、师资提升、学科融合、就业元素挖掘等方面,拓宽实践教学改革的新方法,增强实际教学效果。以期探索多渠道引导环境设计的“教与学”,培养学生的社会活动能力与实践能力,为他们步入经济社会打好基础,为他们的未来就业提供有力支持。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract: Environmental design is a multidisciplinary specialty, the market requires environmental design professionals to continuously improve the integration of elements, environmental design professional practice teaching reform is the basis for the development of application-oriented talents, teaching should be coordinated and timely adjustment of professional curriculum Settings. Based on the current situation of environmental design specialty in colleges and universities, this paper puts forward the effective path of practical teaching reform in view of the existing problems. This paper expounds the new methods of expanding practical teaching reform and enhancing practical teaching effect from the aspects of project practical operation, network platform, curriculum system, teacher promotion, discipline integration, employment element mining and so on. It is expected to explore multiple channels to guide the "teaching and learning" of environmental design, cultivate students' ability of social activities and practical ability, lay a good foundation for them to enter the economy and society, and provide strong support for their future employment.

Key Words:Environmental Design; Practice; Teaching Reform; Path