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单位:中国矿业大学...     作者:侯欣杉,胡艺潇,季翔     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-03-20

摘 要:面向“双碳”目标,城市设计需向低碳节能转型,总结现有低碳导向的城市设计经验发现,采煤沉陷水域在进行低碳导向的城市设计方面具有较大的优势。储量丰富的清洁能源可助力能源转型,现有水资源及植物资源可引入建筑设计层面降低建筑碳排放,丰富的塌陷水体资源可增加自然碳汇。因此,文章提出将低碳导向的城市设计与采煤沉陷水域相结合,并提出具体的设计策略,以期为相关研究提供参考。


中图分类号:TU984.18 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Facing the "double carbon" goal, urban design needs to transform to low-carbon energy conservation, summarizing the existing low-carbon oriented urban design experience, it is found that coal mining subsidence waters have great advantages in low-carbon oriented urban design: abundant clean energy can help energy transformation, existing water resources and plant resources can be introduced into the architectural design level to reduce building carbon emissions, and fruitful collapsed water resources can increase natural carbon sinks. Therefore, the viewpoint and specific design strategy of combining low-carbon-oriented urban design with coal mining subsidence waters are proposed, in order to provide reference for relevant research.

Key Words:Low carbon Orientation; Coal Mining Subsidence Waters; Urban Design; Optimal Utilization